Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hip Hop and Ballet. (short story...ISP Project) English.

Hip Hop and Ballet

  I met a girl named Ballet. We're complete opposites! She's more on the soft spoken side...very quiet and sensitive, while I'm loud and outgoing... energetic and full of life. I love to speak my mind and I'm no where near soft spoken, but that's okay, because Hip Hop and Ballet are two completely different ways of life, and of course two different people.
  Now, if you haven't understood yet, I am Hip Hop. I live in New York, that's where I originated, but I didn't know that one day in the inner city, I would come across something so soft and beautiful like Ballet. She just floated on in, toes pointed with a pink tutu and a silver ribbon wrapped around her hair...while myself was wearing a green tanktop, sweats, a hoodie, Adidas sneakers, and a Yankees cap. But us two becoming friends? Nobody knew that would happen. But we've been best friends for years now, it has to be 20+ ....when Ballet was just merely dancing on her toes, and I was doing the "running man" and "cabbage patch". But we've grown up, we've got such wide variety to our lives, such different races within us. So much passion, that it carries on to the rest of the world.
  And as we grew up together, we began to combine...into what we are today. There are dancers who use the both of us to their advantage, combine us to make us into something magnificent, something great. And you know, I'm proud to combine us together. Because of the dances we do, we share the same love for the music, the beats, the sound, the rythm. We are bestfriends in 2010. Sharing our love for ballet and dance, and combining them together, like they are best friends too. <3

Osanna Bolger and Caroline Sasser.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Two Favorite Shel Silverstein Poems...I'm 14 And STILL Read His Books :)

Shel Silverstein has always been my favorite Children's poet. I'm fourteen and still reading his poems. They just never get old. And this is a random post, but here's a couple of my favorite poems by Shel Silverstein:


and also

ISP Trip to the Zoo(Took This Quiz for It) "What African Animal Are You?"

  1. How do you feel today?

2. What's your priority?

3. If you went to Africa, it would be:
4. You are proud of your ability to be:

5. Where would you most like to visit in Africa?

Murder Me Always Production(The Saturday Show)


So, I didn't know what was ahead of me for the Saturday Show of Murder Me Always. I had to wake up at 9:00 in the morning just to go back to school. But, boy..was Saturday fun! Building 4's hallway was pitch black..so of course, us being performing arts kids, and having creative minds,  we decide to make that hallway a haunted house. So Chris, Alexa, Christeen, Kenya and I decide to make it a haunted house ride. Some random dude was the tour guide, and some of the actors ran down the pitch black hallway to hide and jump out at people. So, the tour guide guy slowly starts the journey of bringing about fifteen people down the dark hallway. I was the first to jump out at everyone, and Ashley, Brianna, Jess, and Kevin fell and screamed. It was the most hilarious. Then we had all the actors go hide, and then it was the teachers' turn to go into our haunted hallway. They were sooo scared.
Then, later that night....John, Jess, and I decide to start a cheese cube fight. Wesley, Ja'Juan, Caroline, and a couple other joined in. But, we didn't know cheese could hurt that bad. That night was extremely hilarious. So I'm glad that it turned out fun.
But besides the fun we were having, the production turned out great. Everyone did a good job on lines and blocking, and the audience was cracking up laughing at how funny the actors made everything. I'm very proud of the Performing Arts Academy! Hopefully all the other shows we have will be just as fun. : )

Friday, November 19, 2010

11 Random Question I've Always Thought About. LOL.

1. Why does Chick-Fil-A only sell chicken?

2. Why do alarm clocks go "off", when they're really turning on?

3. If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?

4. Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?
5. Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?
6. Why do banks leave the door wide open but the pens chained to the counter?

7. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why's it still #2?
8. What color would a smurf turn if you choked it?
9. Why do we say "heads up" when we mean "duck"?

10. Why do we sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" when we're already there?

11. When someone is yelling at you in sign language, do you just close your eyes?

Twenty Random Facts About Me :)


1. I got the nickname "DorkWonder" , last year in 8th grade. Because I would wear these big nerd glasses, but my outfits would always look cool. Now, you people can stop asking me why that's all over my facebook :)

2. My birthday is May 30th.

3. I'm scared of elephants. Big time.

4. I'm obsessed with italian food.

5. I do not have patience for little kids.

6. I'm loud. (which we all know.)

7. I'm not a serious person, but I know when to be serious.

8. I'm actually a really good pep-talker. :)

9. I am a ballroom dancer. Have been for years. Plan on being the youngest to win at International level.

10. I do not like Fruit Loop cereal.

11. Krista Carbona sits next to me everyday.

12. I don't like people that smell bad. Deoderant=healthy.

13. I'm always spending money on my close friends because they mean so much to me :)

13. I was born in Okinawa, Japan.

14. Christeen Concepcion likes to call me Okinawasaki.

15. Christmas is my favorite holiday.

16. I don't like the word "tangy," because I can't say it correctly.

17. I cannot stand American Eagle Outfitters.

18. I think McDonalds is nasty (Tim and Kat think I'm crazy because of that).

19. I don't like pancakes.

20. I love to act :)